Information and discounts for tourists

Minicards are available in over 250 locations in Hungary

The cards are displayed in hotels and other locations where lots of tourists are looking for information. Minicards are recognized, they can be found in more than 20 countries worldwide, including tourist destinations in Hungary.

Tourists looking at Minicards at a display


Reach tourists directly and get measurable results

Advertisements are displayed to tourists on Minicards when and where they are looking for the information.


Offer your guests more information and give extra benefits

Get a free Minicards display that best suits your needs, we will maintain it regularly. Our free Minicards DeskMap will help to guide your guests in the city, too.

Hotel concierge and guests with Minicards DeskMap

What the cards offer

Tourist information about attractions, museums, programs, shops and restaurants – with a map, and a discount or other benefit.

Where to find cards

More than 250 locations in Budapest and other regions: hotels, hostels, tourist information offices and other types of locations with lots of tourists.


News and events


Tropicarium – the shark zoo

Have you ever seen a tiger shark up close? In Budapest’s “shark zoo”, you can get up close and personal with these awe-inspiring marine predators every day of the year.

Read more »

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Download our mobile app

Our application gives you access to information and discounts offered by the minicards.

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